Government to launch bureau to encourage business to invest in overseas efforts to cut greenhouse gases

The Climate Change Projects Office (CCPO), under the guidance of a steering committee chaired by Nick Baldwin, Chief Executive of Powergen, will be designed to provide advice and support for businesses interested in carrying out projects under the Kyoto Protocol’s Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism. The former scheme allows countries to meet part of their Kyoto targets through projects to reduce emissions in developed countries, with projects in developing countries falling into the latter scheme.

Environment Minister Michael Meacher emphasised the UK’s determination to meet the nation’s Kyoto targets. “British business can become world leaders in exporting greener, cleaner technologies, providing new opportunities for industry and achieving cuts in emissions,” he said.

The CCPO will be co-ordinated jointly by the Environment Department (DETR) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and will work alongside the similar Joint Environmental Markets Unit (JEMU), working closely with the devolved administrations and Trade Partners UK, the Government’s service for UK exporters.

“Business wants initiatives like the Climate Change Project Office,” added Meacher. “I am delighted that Nick Baldwin has agreed to chair the steering committee, demonstrating the commitment at the highest level of business to tackling climate change and ensuring that the office will respond effectively to business needs.”

Nick Baldwin has been Powergen’s Chief Executive since February this year, and is also a Director of Powergen Energy plc, a Director of the Electricity Association, Chairman of Powergen CHP Ltd and a director and trustee of Midlands Excellence.