Half of Indian land ‘degraded’

The State of Environment Report paints a bleak picture of the degrading of land through rising pollution.

India’s total geographical area is 328.73Mha, the report looked at 306Mha and found 146.82Mha was ‘degraded land’ roughly that’s just under 50%.

The report blames natural causes, as well as humans, for the problems but states logging for both fuel and farming as a major concern.

It says current logging levels are ‘unsustainable’ and ‘inappropriate’ land management practices, such as chemicals for farming, were widespread.

It is the first time in almost a decade that the Indian Government has published the details after the last report was published in 2001.

Despite, much of the report being negative it does set out a plan for the future with Indian’s encouraged to think green from a ‘local level’ upwards.

It also notes India’s under-developed infrastructure pointing out India’s emissions are well below those of the US and China, despite its huge population it produces 75% less emissions than them.

Luke Walsh