How setting ’emission limits’ prevents nuisance

Historically the approach to odour nuisance has been a reactive one, but the new IPPC regime is now making sure that a much more pro-active approach is taken to controlling this nuisance. The IPPC application process has placed greater odour assessment and monitoring demands on both operators and regulators and as a result of the raised profile accredited odour analysis laboratories and impact assessment techniques are in demand. The introduction of guidance specific to the subject matter (eg Environment Agency Horizontal odour guidance H41 and supporting research), and the availability of laboratories capable of measuring odours in compliance to standards recognised by UKAS, means that a robust set of tools for determining permits now exist.

By the time odour complaints are being registered by a local authority or installation it is likely that a large number of people have been experiencing annoyance for some time. In fact studies have shown that “no complaints do not necessarily mean no annoyance”. Needless to say that annoyance within the community reflects poorly primarily on operators but also on local authorities. The IPPC permitting regime takes a firm line in this matter with the aim of minimising odour emission, within the realms of BAT, to the point of “no reasonable cause for annoyance”.

“Permit conditions” are a useful enforcement tool to prevent annoyance occurring in the community. Used effectively permit conditions such as “Odour emission limit values” can provide a proactive and transparent method to control and monitor the release of odour into the environment.

The scientific basis underpinning regulation of odours involves quantification of odour by olfactometry and impact assessment using atmospheric dispersion modelling. It is through these scientific techniques that emission limit values should be determined.

Assessment process

The assessment procedure generally follows the following stages:

1. Horizontal Odour Guidance H4, available from