Landlord goes green with Green Man Lane project

A2Dominion, which provides housing across London and southern England, is demolishing the aptly-named ‘Green Man Lane’ estate in Ealing to make way for 706 new homes connected to an energy efficient Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit.

The CHP plant, delivered by energy provider Alfagy, emits less greenhouse gasses and nitrogen oxides than other plants and is ideal for use in built-up residential areas within London. It will deliver 334kWe of power and 485 kWt for the new homes.

The environmental performance of Green Man Lane will be further supplemented by the use of solar panels which will contribute to an average CO2 saving of 57% across the estate – exceeding the 44% which is required to achieve Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4.

Getting greener

The development forms part of A2Dominion’s green strategy, which seeks to improve emissions in line with the Governments legal targets of 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050, from a 1990 baseline. ‘Getting greener’ is one of the organisation’s top three corporate priorities this year, against which staff are set targets through the appraisal process.

“We have combined heat & power systems and other communal energy systems on some estates, although are having to undertake a project to improve billing and income collection which has proved problematic,” states the firm’s latest sustainability update.

“A pilot scheme for the introduction of solar panels was completed at Winchester but proposals to procure and install another 5000 panels were withdrawn when the ability to attract funding through the Feed-in Tariff was reduced. A pilot of Chop Clocks, which disrupt heating systems to save money whilst maintaining warmth, has recently been completed. Other trials of new technology in existing homes are being progressed.”

Green Man Lane’s regeneration is being delivered in a 50:50 joint venture partnership between A2Dominion and developer and contractor Rydon. The estate has been designed by Conran & Partners, which wants to transform the estate into a ‘sustainable community’.

Luke Nicholls