New regional environmental industries representatives will help boost the sector

So far, 10 of the UK’s 12 RDAs have joined up to the new UK Environment Industries Federation, with representatives from the Yorkshire and London agencies absent from the meeting on 28 January. It is not yet known how the network will work, Carla Metcalf, temporary co-ordinator for the UKEIF, told edie, but once a full-time co-ordinator is in place at around the end of February or beginning of March, processes will be able to begin.

Currently, the North East RDA, which already has its own environment industry federation is providing a secretariat function for the network.

The Environment Industries Commission has welcomed the new network. “We look forward to working with the regional cluster groups to support EIC’s work at the national and European level on behalf of this exciting new industry,” said EIC Chair Adrian Wilkes. “They have the potential to add value by helping local companies to market themselves here and abroad.”