New rules for pesticide crop spraying

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has also called for organisations to comment on children’s potential exposure to pesticide drift.

The EPA is also recommending, after looking at children’s exposure to pesticide drift, to adopt on an interim basis requirements for no-spray buffer zones near homes, schools, day-care centres and parks.

“The new label statements will help reduce problems from pesticide drift,” believes Steve Owens, the assistant administrator for the EPA’s office of prevention, pesticides and toxic substances.

“The new labels will carry more uniform and specific directions on restricting spray drift while giving pesticide applicators clear and workable instructions.”

According to Mr Owens the new instructions will ban drift that could cause adverse health or environmental effects.

While also, on a pesticide-by-pesticide basis, the EPA will evaluate scientific information on risk and exposure based on individual product use patterns.

Luke Walsh