Northern Irish education facilities offered environmental tips

Recent research showed that Northern Irish schools, colleges and universities consume 744m kWh of energy per annum at a cost of £36.5m, producing 164,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

To try to combat this, the new guidance contains information about environmental law and good practice, and tips about issues such as pollution prevention and control permits for laboratories, green procurement practices for halls of residence and environmental guidance for caterers on campus.

According to the Government, the advice is particularly aimed at head teachers, janitors, facilities and grounds managers, and those with responsibility for laboratories and workshops.

Environment Minister Arlene Foster commented: “I am delighted to see the new environmental guidance from NetRegs for the education sector.

“While our schools and universities can have an impact on the environment, they also have a great influence on the behaviour and attitudes of our society.

“By acting as an example of environmental excellence, the education sector in Northern Ireland can encourage sustainable development in the wider community at the local, regional and global level.”

James Cooper