Regenerating contaminated land without heavy machinery

Jeremy Birnstingl, managing director of Regenesis Ltd, said at his seminar ‘Applying the principles of environmental good practice to remediation product design’ how contamination can be quickly and easily cleaned.

His company, a Bristol based off-shoot of a much larger American parent company, manufactures the HRC, HRC-X abd HRC-Primer products used for cleaning contamination from land near to buildings or even from directly underneath them.

The products can be used for cleaning a number of contaminates but are most often used and are most effective at cleaning chlorinated organics.

Cleaning is done by drilling holes down to the contamination, either from directly over it or diagonally from the side with careful monitoring for gas leaks, and pouring in the product from a standard grout hopper.

Using a case study of a site in Buckinghamshire Mr Birnstingl explained how the £30,000 removed contamination from gravely ground beneath a warehouse.

The project began in June 2005 and the cleaning solution was poured into the site once and the site was monitored until the Environment Agency said it was free of pollution in December 2006.