Royal Society launches first UK database of enviro awards is to be formally launched on 22 May by the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce (RSA), although is already up-and-running. RSA says that until now, it has been almost impossible to find out about environmental award schemes, but the new site lists over 200 UK awards, with new schemes to be added on a regular basis.

“Awards should be a powerful way to drive innovation and reward best

practice in sustainable development,” said Simon Fordham, head of the RSA’s Environment programme. “However, the lack of available awards information has discouraged entrants and sponsors, and often caused award schemes to flounder. We hope that will encourage individuals and organisations to work towards a sustainable future, and provide them with the credit they deserve for doing so.”

The new online database is searchable by award name, subject, sector or geographical region and contains information on everything from entry criteria and prizes to previous winners and sponsors. It has been developed in partnership with the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and with support from KPMG and Biffa Waste Services as Founding Partners.

The website is part of a larger RSA initiative, the Forum for Environmental and Sustainable Development Awards, which emerged after consultation with 1,000 individuals from business, the public sector, government and the media. The Forum will support the evolution of existing award schemes, encourage better focussed awards and help organisers to avoid the widespread duplication of awards. It will provide support for individuals and organisations interested in awards and help government identify policy objectives.