Serving up sustainability: Wimbledon in numbers

After England crashed out of the Euro’s just days after deliberately crashing through European Union built walls, all eyes turn to Andy Murray – the UK’s last true hope in the sporting sphere after Wales were dumped out of the football by a renewably-powered Portugal.

With sporting champions set to be crowned at the weekend you’d, be forgiven for placing sustainability on the backburner. But after the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement two months ago in New York, the topic of environmental, and ethical, sustainability couldn’t be any more poignant.

Huge spectacles, such as Wimbledon, must showcase their sustainability credentials if they’re to coexist with the 21st Century’s global agenda, and entice legions of fans to enjoy sporting displays without lingering feelings of eco-guilt.

With the Euros currently in play, and the 2016 Rio Olympics due to start in a month’s time, people are beginning to wonder – just how sustainable are these sporting mega-events?

To that very end, edie has served up a list of sustainability facts about Wimbledon for you. Everything, from how much fresh air is pumped into courts during play, to how much of the centre-court roof is recyclable, from the litres of cream spectators consume and to the water footprint of a pint of Stella Artois.

Cameron Joshi & Matt Mace