SLR gains planning consent for 20 turbine wind farm

SLR prepared the Environmental Statement and planning application for submission to The Highland Council with the planning officer’s recommendation for approval being passed unanimously by the Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey Planning Applications committee.

Input came from a number of SLR technical disciplines including landscape, transport, ecology, hydrology and geology (with third party ornithologist), archaeology and EMI/Aviation consultants.

SLR also prepared a detailed site design making use of the natural ‘bowl’ feature in the landform, while also taking into account the environmental constraints and optimising the generating capacity.

The wind farm will have the capability to offset approximately 110,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year and generate enough electricity to supply the equivalent of more than 27,000 homes per year over its 25 year operational period. This is equivalent to approximately 28 per cent of the households in The Highland Council area.

Project Manager Morag Edward, who is based at SLR’s Warrington office, said: “This is a great example of how SLR can co-ordinate and deliver wind energy schemes from conception to approval and the success enhances our growing reputation for planning and EIA within the renewable energy sector.

“It is expected that the wind turbines, located on the Corriegarth Estate on the edge of the Monadhliath Mountains to the north-east of Fort Augustus, would be rated at up to 2.5megawatts (MW) each with a total generating capacity of up to 49MW.”