Sustainable Business Covered podcast: How can we accelerate action on nature and biodiversity in 2021? · Episode 97: Accelerating biodiversity action with The Woodland Trust

Episode 97 of the Sustainable Business Covered podcast, brought to you in association with the Woodland Trust, is designed to inspire and inform listeners ahead of what will be a crucial few months for global action in the biodiversity space.

During this episode, edie’s senior reporter Sarah George and content editor Matt Mace recap on the big nature-related stories we have covered in 2021 so far – chief among them all being the publication of the Dasgupta Review. Supported by the UK Government, the Review outlines how businesses and policymakers can include and account for nature as part of economic decisions. Many expect the impact on policymaking and corporate decisions to be as significant as the Stern review on climate change.

Matt and Sarah also highlight the importance of the upcoming 15th biodiversity COP, the G7 Summit and COP26.

Once the scene is set, Sarah sits down for a discussion with the Woodland Trust’s principal conservation advisor Chris Reid. Chris talks about what the pandemic has meant for nature conservation and restoration projects across the UK and provides some policy calls to action from the NGO space.

Then, Sarah interviews Earth Security’s founder and chief executive Alejandro Litovsky. He discusses, among other things, how businesses can overcome challenges with financing nature-based projects and measuring their impacts.

The third and final interview for this episode is with Patagonia’s recently-appointed environmental action & initiatives director for EMEA, Beth Thoren. Beth gives her thoughts on what it means to be a nature leader – as both a business and an individual professional – in 2021 and beyond. She also gives an update on her work on the National Nature Service.

edie will be publishing an ‘edie Explains’ guide on nature in April, so watch this space.

The edie podcast is now available to listen to on Spotify. You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes and bookmark this page to see the full list of podcast episodes as they appear. Have a question about this podcast or a suggestion for future episodes? Email us at Please bear in mind that speaking opportunities are now full through to the end of March.

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