The 2023 Corporate Climate Finance Report

This new report provides a detailed analysis of the edie and Lloyds Bank 2023 Corporate Climate Finance Survey, which was taken by 225 sustainability and energy professionals.

The inaugural edie and Lloyds Bank 2023 Corporate Climate Finance Survey investigated the drivers, challenges and opportunities when it comes to mobilising and scaling up finance which accelerates corporate climate action.

Conducted online this February, the survey was taken by 225 professionals, with their answers providing a unique snapshot of the current state of play and likely future trajectory of sustainability-related finance within the UK’s private sector.

This new free-to-download report provides a detailed analysis of the survey results, covering:

It also features insights from senior representatives at the UK Sustainable Investment & Finance Association, the SME Climate Hub and the Aldersgate Group.

Click ‘read the report’ and fill out the form on the right to access your copy.