The 25 Year Environment Plan: reasons to look on the bright side

So, while I agree with some of the critics that the 25 year time horizon creates a risk that action will be pushed into the future and that there is still a lot of detail missing, I welcome the plan.  The opportunity for those of us who are committed to accelerating progress is to urge the Government to take swift and decisive action sooner rather than later, then apply pressure to ensure that the promises made in the plan are delivered.  However, I completely agree that securing a sustainable future is a task for all of us and we also need to find ways that we can, individually and together, catalyse change in the way we value and steward the environment that provides for all our needs.  I’m up for it and BITC members are too.  We are looking forward to collaborating widely to help drive progress towards a prosperous and sustainable future for all.  I hope you will join us.    

Gudrun Cartwright – Environment Director at BITC