Webinar & Masterclass. Business and biodiversity: Accelerating the shift to a nature-positive planet

We are reaching a crucial tipping point for nature. Amidst a perfect storm of mass urbanisation, unsustainable exploitation of natural resources and escalating climate change, businesses must radically re-think the way we use our land and oceans, and how we produce energy, food and other resources.

The solutions are already available and many businesses are already taking action – whether its through the adoption of nature-based solutions, investing in ecosystem restoration, or scaling up nature-positive products and technologies.

Supported by real-life case studies and practical insights, this edie webinar and masterclass brings together a selection of sustainability, CSR and environmental experts to break down how organisations large and small can re-think business models, enhance biodiversity and ultimately become nature-positive.

The session is broken into two parts: a 60-minute, Q&A-style webinar exploring what true business leadership in the context of nature and biodiversity; and a 45-minute masterclass breaking down how businesses can effectively measure and report their impacts on nature.

Session 1: The big biodiversity Q&A: Business actions to protect and restore nature (13:00-14:00)


Sarah George, Senior Reporter, edie


Discussion points

Session 2: 45-Minute Masterclass: How to measure and report business impacts on nature (TNFD) (14:00-14:45)



Discussion points

RECOMMENDED PRE-READING FOR REGISTRANTS: edie Explains: Biodiversity and business