Women ‘better at recycling’ then men, study finds

The research, carried out by BusinessWaste.co.uk, showed that while women in traditional relationships were more likely to make sure that the right materials went into the right bin, it is generally the man who is more likely to put the bin out.

More than a third (39%) of households surveyed said females were taking the lead in ensuring their rubbish was correctly sorted, compared to males (19%).

Delving deeper, the study found that when it came to taking waste materials to the tip, 78% of households left it to the man to do the deed.

According to BusinessWaste.co.uk, this male-female divide in household recycling duties goes against perceived wisdom that gender divisions are disappearing in British homes, findings that are backed up by last year’s nationwide Understanding Society survey.

The 2013 survey concluded that women were still taking on the bulk of household chores, especially when living with a male partner.

While men were happy to do the more energetic jobs, such as taking bins out, it was the women who were far more likely to be rinsing, emptying and sorting waste for recycling.

“We can coin a phrase here, and say that ‘There’s truth in what we throw away … and the truth is that women are just far more organised with rubbish than their male partners,” said BusinessWaste.co.uk ‘s Mark Hall.

Maxine Perella