World’s first continuous dioxin & furan sampling system

The AMESA system extracts a sample from the gas stream continuously through a titanium probe, which is water-cooled to below 70°C. The sample flow rate is automatically controlled so that gases are withdrawn isokinetically. The water vapour laden sample is drawn through a cartridge filled with pre-spiked resin. The water vapour is then condensed by cooling the sample to below 5°C. A sample of the condensate can be collected for subsequent analysis if required.

The system measures flue gas velocity, the volume of sample gas, flue gas temperature and cartridge temperature as a half-hourly averages. AMESA will also accept additional inputs from oxygen, pressure and RH analysers if required. All operating data is stored on a removable SRAM card. At the end of the monitoring period the resin cartridge and SRAM card are removed from the AMESA and sent to an accredited laboratory for analysis.

Applications of the system include: