World’s largest wind farm opens

The Middelgrunden park off the coast of Copenhagen, with a capacity of 99 megawatts (MW), began supplying power to 32,000 homes on 6 May. The park produces four times as much energy as its recently opened rival in Sweden and enough to power 3% of the Danish capital’s energy needs.

Denmark was recently revealed to be the world’s fourth largest wind power producer (see related story), and the largest in terms of wind use per person. Danish production is expected to double by 2005. The Middelgrunden farm consists of 20 63-metre (210 foot) high turbines, each with a rotor diameter of 75 metres (250 feet).

The costs of the 17 million Krone (£1.4 million) project have been split by the co-owners Copenhagen Energy and the Middelgrunden Wind Turbine Cooperative. Such operations are popular in Denmark, as the government has encouraged Danes to invest in wind farms via cooperatives since 1979.