Boost in recycling and composting for Scotland

In terms of current recycling performance, the recycling and composting rate for the first quarter of 2009/10 (April to June) increased to 38.7%, an improvement on 35.4% for the same quarter of last year.

A total of 1.22m tonnes of biodegradable municipal waste was sent to landfill in Scotland in the year July 2008 to June 2009.

Bur, this was below the 1.32m tonnes limit set for Scotland for 2009/10 by the European Commission under the Landfill Allowance Scheme.

Progress has also been made on stabilising the growth of municipal solid waste produced in Scotland.

About 3.26m tonnes were produced in Scotland in the year July 2008 to June 2009, a decrease from the 3.40m tonnes produced in the corresponding previous year.

SEPA’s national waste policy unit manager, Kenny Boag, said: “It is very encouraging to see Scotland’s municipal waste recycling rate continue to rise and the signs are good in that it looks as though we will meet our immediate targets.

“However, even greater challenges lie ahead and we must all accept that this will require new and additional services, facilities and most importantly, changes to our lifestyles so we may further reduce, reuse and recycle our waste in Scotland.”

The full report can be found here.

Luke Walsh