Consumers sitting on e-waste cash mountain

Collectively, this amounts to one million tonnes of e-waste with a resale value of approximately £200m. Figures from the United Nations paint an even grimmer figure, with an estimated 10m tonnes of WEEE sent to Europe’s tips each year.

The study undertaken by e-waste specialist Dineromob found that despite small lifestyle changes such as reusing carrier bags or carpooling, the majority of the British public still has a disposable mindset when it comes to electrical items.

Dineromob’s UK sales director Mark Schneider said: “We’re constantly surprised by what people are prepared to throw away or consign to the back of drawers, cupboards, garages and attics after upgrading to the latest electronic device.”

Dineromob has launched a new service to help address this by offering of unwanted gadgets the chance to gain from upgrading by selling their used items for cash, which will then be recycled.

Maxine Perella