edie publishes free ISO 14001 guide for environmental professionals

The new edie explains: ISO 14001 business guide, produced in association with edie’s supporting partner NQA, provides an in-depth summary of the Standard which is used to establish and maintain a continuous level of environmental performance improvements.


First published in 1996, ISO 14001 is one of ISO’s most widely-used standards, with more than 300,000 certifications to ISO 14001 in 171 countries around the world. The Standard underwent a major revision in 2015 to ensure it is future-proof and more compatible with other standards, such as ISO 50001.

Is ISO 14001 suitable and appropriate for all organisations? What are the potential business benefits of the Standard? And how does the accredited ISO 14001 certification process work? The 13-page edie explains guide answers all of these questions and more to help environmental professionals understand exactly what they need to do before, during and after the ISO 14001 certification process.

The edie explains guide also incorporates a number of ‘top tips’ on achieving the Standard, and concludes with a real-life ISO 14001 case study, provided by NQA, which explores how Edinburgh Zoo utilised ISO 14001 to reduced energy consumption by 5%, minimise waste generation and successfully embed environmental objectives in all job functions.

Quoted within the guide is Stuart Jenkinson, health, safety and and environmental manager at the Zoo, who explains the benefits ISO 14001 has had for the organisation and its stakeholders. “The Zoo is very much like a small town in its own right with many differing trades and occupations. It is very different to a conventional business that has one or similar production lines,” Jenkinson said.

“Last year, the Zoo set itself the target of reducing its energy consumption by 5%. The detailed measuring processes allow us to monitor very accurately the energy consumed throughout all the areas within the Zoo and see the impact of every action taken to reduce it. Just as importantly, the accurate measurement also makes the financial impact of energy saving very apparent”.

The edie explains: ISO 14001 guide is available to download for free now. Download the guide here.

Download and read other edie explains guides, including a guide to ISO 50001, here.

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