It’s a gas: calibration made easy for landfills

Even the most accurate landfill gas and biogas analysers may need field calibration bet-ween manufacturer service and calibration. The reasons for this include user need for the most accurate results possible; complying with site operator in-house requirements; and for audit, inspection and consultant reports.

For this, it is essential field calibration is done correctly, especially as incorrect calibration may decrease gas analyser accuracy. Even if accurate, the validity of a set of readings can be enhanced with pre-analysis field calibration. The most commonly user-calibrated landfill gases are methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2).

The two simple, but key, steps are:

There are variations of this for different applications, but the principles and steps remain the same. While the advice is usually for portable gas analysers, the same principles apply to static or fixed-gas analysers where the steps are usually automated.

To meet anticipated landfill requirements, a gas analyser unit will need not only a secure audit-trailed data log of sampling point readings, but also of field calibrations.

Today’s gas analysers have to meet these criteria, as must some fixed applications.

This is especially true for clean development mechanism carbon credits. It is also on the cards for water treatment sludge waste to meet integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) regulations and Environment Agency compliance where continuous analysis, monitoring and data logging with audit trail and five years’ data storage may be required. In these applications, automatic calibrations are essential for valid data.

While not all users carry out field calibration of portable units, those who do should use manufacturer-supplied calibration gas bottles fitted with factory-set regulators. Users should look to manufacturers for on-site training, online manuals and specifications, consumables ordering and down-the-line phone support. Most important of all, the oldest advice around always applies – check the instruction manual.

Geotechnical Instruments