New complete compost system from Agrivert

The new Agrivert composting process converts unsorted municipal waste collection into a range of recycled products. The modular construction can be tailored to any scale of production, with a breathable membrane roof that is closed tightly to generate the ideal atmosphere for composting, and eliminate problems of odour, dirt and pests

The Agrivert system is designed to process the entire unsorted municipal solid waste (MSW) stream, direct from household collection. It involves a unique modular construction of en-vessel composting facilities and a purpose-built sorting procedure, to manage entire operations in a controlled environment. It has been developed specifically for the UK market from well-proven European design.

Agrivert Business Development Manager, Tony Aris, said: “European countries have become far more adept at managing their waste operations. Learning from their experience, the Agrivert composting system is unique in being able to achieve a rapid and complete composting process, before separation and recovery of a whole range of products – each specifically screened for pre-determined markets.”

The system creates separate, marketable, end products of:

The result is a significant reduction – up to 70% – in the volume of MSW destined for landfill. “This will significantly reduce Landfill Tax charges for local authorities, enable them to meet Government targets on waste reduction and develop a truly sustainable policy for waste management,” added Mr Aris.

The Agrivert system will enable local authorities and waste management contractors to manage entire operations quickly and efficiently on one site. The modular system can be adapted for relatively small local facilities, right up to major operations to deal with the entire MSW from towns or cities.

Mr Aris highlights the initial sorting process involved with conventional composting systems is both time-consuming and expensive. “It makes far more sense to sort after the composting operation, when the volume of the waste can be reduced by up to a half. In practice, our experience in developing the system is that the plastics and other inorganic fraction of the waste stream act as essential aerators in the compost, speeding the process and improving the end product,” he added. In some instances, inorganic material is actually mixed back into the incoming waste stream, to assure an effective end result from the composting process.

The composting process is initiated when all incoming MSW is thoroughly mixed and loaded into concrete silos. Each modular silo is covered with a close-fitting breathable membrane roof, which serves to generate the ideal atmosphere for composting, and ensures that odour, dirt and pest problems are eliminated. The compost is moved from one silo to another after a period of four to six weeks, to complete the fast track composting process in eight to 10 weeks.

The resulting product is then mechanically sorted into the various recovery streams. The compost is screened, sorted and mixed for predetermined end-markets – including mulch, growing medium and, most importantly, farmland soil conditioner and fertiliser.

Alexander Maddan, Managing Director of Agrivert, believes the quantity of organic materials for composting is set to continue rising steeply. But he warns that if recycling operations are to be sustainable, they cannot treat the agricultural market as a dumping ground. “We know from our vast experience in recycling a wide range of products to farmland, that quality is paramount in developing a sustainable market; if you want farmers to come back for more year after year, then you have to offer good products and good service.

“Too many low-cost composting operations produce a low quality, inconsistent product with little or no value. It is futile to continue to produce compost products with no end-market. Local Authorities and waste management contractors must invest in systems that will provide long-term solutions.”

Whilst there has been a massive rise in waste composting, over recent years, results from the latest UK composting survey (Composting Association, 2000) still show that less than a million tonnes were composted. “There’s still a long way to go for most Local Authorities to hit the Government recycling targets,” according to Mr Maddan.

“Some Local Authorities are achieving good recycling rates of paper, glass and some plastics with kerbside schemes. Few have yet to get to grips with unsorted MSW which, by it’s very bulky nature and the opportunity to create a worthwhile product for recycling, offers the greatest potential to reduce the volume of waste going in to landfill.”

For further Press Information please contact:

Alexander Maddan

Managing Director


Tel: 01608 677 700

Mobile: 07977 997710


Tony Aris

Business Development Manager


Tel: 01608 677 700

Mobile: 07977 997722


Mark Sanderson

The Osborne Partnership

Tel: 01635 278236

Fax: 01635 278547
