Now available on-demand: edie’s webinar on moving from climate risk to climate resilience

The one-hour Risk to Resilience webinar originally aired on Thursday 23 June at 1-2pm BST, featuring an array of industry experts and sustainability professionals providing best-practice advice and case studies on how to improve resiliency as the physical, legislative and reputational risks of the climate and nature crises continue to grow.

—-Click here to watch the webinar on-demand —-

With the converging climate and energy price crises showing no signs of abating, this one-hour webinar heard from a selection of sustainability leaders and climate experts who are proactively utilising, climate-related disclosure and scaling up other adaptation measures to thrive in the face on uncertainty.

Whether it’s the escalating price risks brought about by the increased volatility of raw materials and other commodities; the physical risks caused by increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events; or the reputational risks associated with inaction around the climate crisis – it’s clear that leaders must start integrating climate risks into their decision-making now.

How can businesses turn these external risks into opportunities? How can tools and frameworks like the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) be utilised to be better prepared for climate impacts and prompt better investment decisions? And what other adaptation measures can be taken across your buildings, suppliers, employees and communities to increase resilience and accelerate climate action?

This one-hour edie webinar, hosted in association with climate change solutions technology provider Manifest Climate, explored what the corporate journey from risk to resilience looks like in the context of sustainability and climate action.

Discussion points:

Webinar chair:

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—-Click here to watch the webinar on-demand —-