Safety film looks to aid compliance for composting operators

Designed for people who work on either in-vessel or windrow composting facilities, the film provides essential information needed to comply with Health & Safety Executive guidelines and manage the risks of working with these processes.

According to the company, the film proved so successful internally, it is now being made available on its website to be used as a tool by the wider industry.

Viridor’s health & safety advisor in the southeast, Alan Cook, said: “The film covers areas such as personal protective equipment, working with machinery, confined spaces and workplace transport in a composting environment.

“We have also developed a multi-choice test to reaffirm the key learning points from the film to ensure operatives have understood the information. The test and marking guide are available to download for use or to use as templates to create your own.”

The film has support from both the Association for Organics Recycling (AfoR) and the HSE.

AfOR managing director, Jeremy Jacobs, said: “AfOR welcomes this informative video as a useful tool to improve awareness on biowaste sites. It is the responsibility of every site operator to ensure staff are adequately trained.”

You can access the film and tests here

Maxine Perella