Study maps C&I waste arisings for the north east

The study commissioned by the North East Sustainable Resources Board found that out of the 2,176,587 tonnes of C&I waste generated, the largest proportion – 893,421 tonnes – arose in Tyne & Wear.

The chemical manufacturing sector was found to be the largest contributor, generating over 15% of total tonnage, followed by the retail and wholesale sector.

The most common waste type arising was mixed wastes, mainly residual waste left after segregation for recycling. This was followed by non-metallic waste including recyclables such as paper, card, plastics, metals, textiles and glass.

Currently 33% of the region’s waste is sent to landfill, while 35% is recycled. The rest is either composted, reused or thermally treated for energy recovery.

The research was undertaken to provide key data for investors and to assist in strategic planning. It is intended to shape and inform potential future investment into new waste and resource management infrastructure.

The board’s co-ordinator, Helen Watson, said: “Our report will prove invaluable to waste planners and policy developers in the region in scoping the use of the region’s resources in the future.

“We hope to continue to update the current data to provide a clear overview of the resource management opportunities available in terms of commercial and industrial waste.”

Maxine Perella