WRAP seeks partner to showcase sustainable homes

Zero Waste Scotland aims to drive change in the house-building market by supporting a development partner to demonstrate how sustainable measures can be included within design and construction, and how this can contribute towards a resource efficient lifestyle for future occupants.

Set on a site of the former Ravenscraig Steelworks in Lanarkshire, the project will form part of the Building Research Establishment’s (BRE) Innovation Park, and will be required to meet the 2016 Scottish Building Standards.

Zero Waste Scotland’s director Iain Gulland said that embedding resource efficiency into the design and construction of Scottish homes will achieve far-reaching benefits.

“Building an average three-bed unit can produce between 5 to 13 tonnes of construction waste, which costs between £250 and £500 per unit. Much of this is excess materials which could be avoided through better procurement and site processes or reused elsewhere,” he explained.

“Living in homes built with resource efficiency in mind can make it easier for us all to live a greener lifestyle. For example, recycling more can be made easier if our homes have more storage space, and well-insulated properties can save homeowners money on energy bills.

Selected build materials and fit out furnishings will be made available to the successful development partner on a free issue basis to support the construction of the house. Following construction, the house will be showcased as part of the park complex for at least two years.

More information can be found at www.zerowastescotland.org.uk

Maxine Perella