Bio-test monitors benzene emissions

Chemical measurement

Biological monitoring, or biomonitoring, is the measurement of a chemical or

its breakdown product in an exposed individual. Measurements may be made on

samples of breath, urine or blood and reflect the total uptake of the chemical

by inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin. Frustratingly, biomonitoring

methods have been slow, expensive and depended upon specialised scientific laboratories

and, consequently, were of limited accessibility.

Benzene, for example, is an important industrial chemical. High volumes, produced

in the petrol refining process and used by the chemical industry to manufacture

plastics, polystyrene and rubber, are released in to the atmosphere. Further,

emissions from automotive exhausts, cigarette smoke and landfill waste sites

contribute to the environmental load and chronic benzene exposure may lead to

cancers such as leukaemia.

Analytical performance

A novel test for monitoring benzene exposure is now available through AB Biomonitoring.

The test uses a unique antibody to quantify a specific urinary metabolite of

benzene (S-phenylmercapturic acid). The test is reliable, robust and fully validated

in terms of analytical performance. Because of the speed and efficiency of the

test, many customers not only monitor workers after an accidental exposure but

have implemented routine screening programmes to protect the health of their


Moreover, the technology can be readily adapted for population screening where

there is concern about the impact of pollution on human health and quality of

life. Road traffic is one of the greatest threats to the environment, especially

in urban areas.

Environmental pollution is an immediate and urgent problem and environmental

consideration should possess a key role in selection and control processes.

This technology enables the wider application of biomonitoring as both a monitoring

and survey tool of environmental and industrial exposures. Affordable exposure

information will prevent disease, limit environmental damage and facilitate

the goals of sustainable development.