Taking place on Tuesday: Register for edie’s renewables and storage online event

Registration is now open for an upcoming virtual webinar, focused on how businesses can explore onsite solutions such as solar in partnership with battery storage solutions, taking place on Tuesday 30 April.

Taking place on Tuesday: Register for edie’s renewables and storage online event

This masterclass-style webinar, developed in partnership with Wattstor, will provide the latest actionable insights and best practice examples when it comes to businesses deploying battery storage systems alongside renewable energy technologies to meet decarbonisation goals.


Battery storage systems can provide more comprehensive access to electricity while enabling much greater use of renewable energy, ultimately helping businesses meet their net-zero targets. Indeed, the Royal Society predicts the UK will need 100TWh of grid-scale energy storage in 2050.

However, there are several challenges that must be addressed in order for businesses to effectively implement battery storage alongside clean energy systems – be it technical barriers, economic costs, or an ever-evolving regulatory and policy landscape.

This masterclass will cut through the complexities and provide need-to-know information for organisations seeking to combine battery storage with renewable energy as part of a holistic net-zero strategy. The 45-minute session will include real-life case studies and actionable takeaways, breaking down how businesses can effectively combine these clean technologies to cut costs and carbon.

Discussion points

  • Avoiding the ‘cannibalisation effect’: How battery storage can mitigate low or negative wholesale power prices
  • Overcoming grid and operational challenges to deploy and scale up battery storage systems
  • Integrating battery storage with an energy management system (EMS)

Masterclass chair:

  • Matt Mace editor, edie

Masterclass presenters:

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  • Stephan Marty, chief executive, Wattstor

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  • Rachael Wheeler, Head of Sustainability from Big Yellow Storage

Click here to register and book your place for the battery storage masterclass.

Comments (3)

  1. Christine Wetherell says:

    Can a local community energy co-operative join this webinar – we haven’t the money the pay your professional charges as we will be largely self-funding in the community. We are learning at the moment about the different technologies and possibilities we can use in our community. We have businesses, local community centres, schools as well as local farmers interested in joining in. We have the local authority’s support and also that of the Town Council. We are a very suitable community for this sort of project, and we aim to particularly support the poorer members of the community – those in food and fuel poverty. We have done some research and are gaining interest in the town and local community, but are on a learning curve. We have got some initial funding and support of groups who have provided professional support to these types of projects before.

  2. jo mcnamara says:

    Hello Christine – I am Chair of a Community Development Trust in Scotland that has been working to establish community energy projects. We are located in an area that is about to be colonised by Battery Energy Storage Systems and are bringing together stakeholders to look at community benefits and how to manage the impact of in installation process on small rural communities. We would be really interested to hear more about your project and experience. Its good to know that other groups are also trying to ensure that those in need gain some support from this new surge of development. If you are willing to share your thoughts we can be contacted at sustainingdunbar.org

  3. Richard Phillips says:

    It might be again useful to draw attention to the fact that renewable energy is not within our control, natural forces have that privilege.
    We can, however, generate our whole baseload by nuclear fission, at the moment. And with good fortune have fusion power within decades.
    Wind can become almost zero for days on end, this has been recorded in past few decades.
    Ah me!!

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