Edie launches new press release distribution service

Edie would like to announce the launch of its new press release distribution service, which sends out your organisation's latest press releases with the weekly newsletter to our 10,000 (and growing) subscribers from the water, waste and environment industries in the UK and around the world.

Edie‘s subscribers include a large number of journalists who use the

service for leads – so your news will reach both journalists and readers in

the same hit.

To get your press release in the edie weekly news summary, which

includes being

sent out in the newsletter, one week’s exposure on the edie news

page, and permanent availability in the searchable edie news

archive, contact newsdesk@edie.net.

The fee for this service is £105 per news release. If your organisation

produces a lot of news and you would like to use the service on a regular

basis, please contact:

Carl Myers

Tel: +44 (0)20 86517134

Action inspires action. Stay ahead of the curve with sustainability and energy newsletters from edie
