Sage’s net-zero targets validated by the Science-based Targets initiative

Sage pledged to pledged to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 50% by 2030.

Last year, Sage pledged to pledged to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to a 2019 baseline, in line with the 1.5C pathway of the Paris Agreement.

This week, the company has committed to achieving net-zero emissions throughout its value chain by 2040, in line with the 1.5C pathway.

The SBTi requires businesses to aim for a 90% reduction or higher in emissions across all scopes, for their long-term net-zero targets to be verified.

Sage’s strategy for decarbonisation focuses on four key areas: sustainable supply chain management, fostering sustainable colleague behaviour, promoting sustainable products, and addressing sustainable property practices.

This multifaceted approach encompasses efforts such as engaging suppliers to disclose emissions data, launching climate awareness programs for employees, educating customers about environmental impacts, and enhancing the energy efficiency of its workspaces.

Sage’s climate director David Harrop said: “The fight to keep the rise in temperatures at 1.5C is critical, and one we’re committed to.

“Not only are we trying to ensure Sage is a leader in the fight against climate change, we also want to share our learnings and successes with our wide ecosystem of customers, suppliers and partners to help progress amongst our stakeholders.”

Some 3,200 companies have set targets verified by the SBTi and around 11% of them are in the technology sector.

Stagecoach announces emissions reduction targets

In related news, transport group Stagecoach has announced that its near-term GHG emission targets have received approval from the SBTi.

Stagecoach’s carbon reduction commitments include a 55.6% decrease in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2032, and a 54.6% reduction in Sope 3 emissions, compared to 2019 levels.

The development of these targets was supported by the consultancy Net Zero International, in line with the 1.5C pathway.

Additionally, Stagecoach has pledged to continue sourcing 100% renewable energy through to 2030.

In conjunction with this announcement, Stagecoach has introduced 23 new electric buses for Rotherham, a project conducted in partnership with the South Yorkshire Combined Authority and backed by government funding.

The new ‘Electro’ branded buses will serve routes connecting Rotherham to Doncaster and Barnsley.

Stagecoach’s sustainability head Greg Ritt said: “We’re delighted that our near-term commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have been approved by SBTi as aligning to the latest scientific evidence on climate change.

“There is much work to do, but the SBTi’s validation strengthens further our sustainability strategy commitments to minimise carbon emissions and support the prosperity of the local communities that we serve.”

Related feature: Challenges in Adopting Net-Zero Targets: Insights from SBTi Research

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